GIS714: geospatial computation and simulation
Graduate level course required for Geospatial Analytics PhD students
Previously taught with GRASS tutorials, instructions posted on webpage
Goal: convert to GRASS-based assignments in Jupyter Notebooks
“The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text.” –
The default kernel is IPython.
import sys
v = sys.version_info
print(f"We are using Python {v.major}.{v.minor}.{v.micro}")
We are using Python 3.9.5
Output can be interactive.
from ipywidgets import interact
def f(x):
return x
interact(f, x=10);
...enhances the existing GRASS Python API to allow Jupyter Notebook users to easily manage GRASS data, visualize data including spatio-temporal datasets and 3D visualizations
GIS714: Geospatial Computation and Simulation, Spring 2022
We'll use an example from the course on water simulation...
# Import Python standard library and IPython packages we need.
import subprocess
import sys
# Ask GRASS GIS where its Python packages are.
subprocess.check_output(["grass80", "--config", "python_path"],
text=True, shell=True).strip()
# Import the GRASS GIS packages we need.
import grass.script as gs
import grass.jupyter as gj
# Start GRASS Session
session = gj.init("data", "nc_spm_08_grass7", "HW3_water_simulation")
# Set region to the high resolution study area
gs.run_command("g.region", region="rural_1m")
starts session, sets GRASS environmental variables for notebooks
And then we are ready to begin using GRASS!
We create a map of flooded area with r.lake
(GRASS manual for r.lake) by providing a water level and a seed point:
gs.run_command("r.lake", elevation="elev_lid792_1m", water_level=113.5,
lake="flood1", coordinates="638728,220278")
# See results
flood1 = gj.Map(use_region=True, width=200)
# Display map
Increase water level to 113.7m and 114.0m and create flooded area maps at these two levels.
#### Your Answer Here
We can also make 3D maps using similar syntax
elev_map = gj.Map3D()
elev_map.render(elevation_map="elevation", color_map="elevation",
elev_map.overlay.d_legend(raster="elevation", at=(60, 97, 87, 92))
We can call display modules using Python magic short-cut (__getattr__
To add a raster, we need d.rast
so we use Map.d_rast()
, Map3D.overlay.d_rast
We will use two GRASS addons,
and r.lake.series
, to estimate inundation with Height Above Nearest Drainage methodology (A.D. Nobre, 2011).
For this section, we will change our computation region to elevation
which is a larger study area than we used above. We use r.watershed
to compute the flow accumulation, drainage and streams.
gs.run_command("g.region", raster="elevation")
gs.run_command("r.watershed", elevation="elevation", accumulation="flowacc",
drainage="drainage", stream="streams_100k", threshold=100000)
gs.run_command("", input="streams_100k", output="streams_100k",
Now we use
with output parameter difference to compute new raster where each cell is the elevation difference between the cell and the the cell on the stream where the cell drains. This is our HAND terrain model.
gs.run_command("", stream_rast="streams_100k",
direction="drainage", elevation="elevation",
method="downstream", difference="above_stream")
With r.lake.series
, we can create a series of inundation maps with rising water levels. r.lake.series
creates a space-time dataset. We can use temporal modules to further work with the data...
gs.run_command("r.lake.series", elevation="above_stream",
start_water_level=0, end_water_level=5, water_level_step=0.5,
output="inundation", seed_raster="streams_100k")
... or visualize the flood with TimeSeriesMap.
flood_map = gj.TimeSeriesMap(use_region=True)
flood_map.d_legend(color="black", at=(2,30,2,5)) #Add legend
Interactivity is often useful for explore geospatial data.
Moving data from GRASS GIS location projection to folium is a challenge
folium is projected in Web Mercator (EPSG:3857)
However, any coordinates (i.e. vector data) need to be specified in degrees of latitude and longitude (WGS84, EPSG:4326)
We pass data to folium by reprojecting to temporary locations
import folium
# Create figure
fig = folium.Figure(width=600, height=400)
# Create a map to add to the figure later
m = folium.Map(tiles="Stamen Terrain", location=[35.761168,-78.668271],
# Create and add elevation layer to map
gj.Raster("elevation", opacity=0.5).add_to(m)
# make a tooltip
tooltip = "Click me!"
# and add a marker
popup="<i>Center For Geospatial Analytics</i>",
# and a circle
popup="Great Picnic Area",
# Add the map to the figure
# Display figure
The InteractiveMap
class allows users unfamiliar with folium to produce maps easily.
# Create Interactive Map
fig = gj.InteractiveMap(width = 600)
# Add raster, vector and layer control to map
fig.add_raster("elevation", title="Elevation Raster", opacity=0.8)
fig.add_layer_control(position = "bottomright")
# Display map
Notebook format was generally well received:
We did experience some challenges:
Session Management
Visualization Methods: Map, Map3D, TimeSeriesMap, folium-integration and InteractiveMap
FOSS4G '22 GRASS GIS Workshop Materials (Anna Petrasova)
GIS714: Advanced Geospatial Computation and Simulation Course Repository
Helena Mitasova
Stefan Blumentrath
Vero Andreo
GIS714 Class Spring 2021
… and the GRASS community, NC State Center for Geospatial Analytics, Google Summer of Code