I’m a fifth year PhD student working with Dr. Helena Mitasova and Dr. Ross Meentemeyer. With a background in geology and GIS, I’m excited about creating tools and models that help stakeholders understand the impacts of climate change. In particular, I’m interested in models related to flooding, surface runoff, sea level rise and land use. I’m also a contributor to GRASS GIS and develop Tangible Landscape activities for decision-making.
I completed my B.A. at Middlebury College in Geology and Mathematics in 2017, advised by Dr. Will Amidon and Dr. Dave Dorman. While I was there, I developed an interest in remote sensing and followed this interest to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where I was an intern for 6 months working with Dr. Baptiste Dafflon and Dr. Haruko Wainwright in the Environmental Geophysics Group, studying water and nutrient flow through the Colorado River’s headwaters. Upon completion of the internship, I started a full time position at the US Army’s Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in the Radio Science group where I worked for two and half years before beginning at NCSU.
Email: chaedri@ncsu.edu