Haedrich, C.E., Petras, V., Petrasova, A., Blumentrath, S., Mitasova, H. (2023). Integrating GRASS GIS and Jupyter Notebooks to facilitate advanced geospatial modeling education. Transactions in GIS, 27, 686– 702.https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/tgis.13031
Breton, D.J., Haedrich, C.E., Hoch, G.R., Streeter, S.S., Maxon, M.L. (2020). The Urban Ground-to-Ground Radio-Frequency Channel: Measurement and Modeling in the Ultrahigh Frequency Band. ERDC/CRREL Technical Report. 20-8. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/AD1104661.
Breton, D.J., Haedrich, C.E., Kamrath, M.J., Wilson, D.K. (2019). Street-scale Mapping of Urban Radiofrequency Noise at VHF and UHF. Radio Science. 54, 934-948. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019RS006893.
Haedrich, C.E., Breton, D.J.,(2019). Measuring Very High Frequency and Ultrahigh Frequency Radio Noise in Urban Environments: A Mobile Measurement System for Radio-Frequency Noise. ERDC/CRREL Technical Report. 19-8. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/AD1076333.
Breton, D.J., Haedrich, C.E. (2020). “Occluded Scatterers and the Urban Ground-to-ground Channel at Low UHF.” North American Radio Science Meeting and IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation. https://usnc-ursi-archive.org/aps-ursi/2020/pdfs/0000157.pdf.
Haedrich, C.E., Breton, D.J. (2020). “Modeling RF Noise in Urban Environments with Spatially Distributed Point Sources.” North American Radio Science Meeting and IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation. https://usnc-ursi-archive.org/aps-ursi/2020/pdfs/0000163.pdf.
Haedrich, C.E., Breton, D.J., Wilson, D.K. (2019). “Isarithmic mapping of radio-frequency noise in urban environments.” Proceedings of the Military Sensing Symposia on Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures. San Diego, CA.
Haedrich, C.E., Breton, D.J., Wilson, D.K. (2018). “Preliminary measurements on the geography of urban VHF radio-frequency noise.” Proceedings of the Military Sensing Symposia on Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures. Gaithersburg, MD.
Kamrath, M.J., Wilson, D.K., Hart, C.R., Breton, D.J., Haedrich, C.E. (2019). “Evaluating parametric probability density function for urban acoustic noise.” INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/ince/incecp/2019/00000259/00000005/art00069.
Lang, R., Suer, C., Breton, D.J., Haedrich, C.E. (2019). “UHF Mountain Propagation: Measurements and Modeling.” USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting. Atlanta, GA. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8861952.
Suer, C., Lang, R., Breton, D.J., Haedrich, C.E. (2020). “P and L Band Coherent Wave Propagation through a Tree Covered Mountainside.” North American Radio Science Meeting and IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation. https://usnc-ursi-archive.org/aps-ursi/2020/pdfs/0000129.pdf.
Falco, N., Dafflon, B., Wainwright, H., Leger, E., Haedrich, C., Peterson, J., Hubbard, S. (2018). “Integrated imaging of above and below ground properties and their interactions: A case study in East River Watershed, Colorado.” SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018. https://library.seg.org/doi/10.1190/segam2018-2998456.1.